About Us

DadRod Garage is made up of a couple dad (father and son) car enthusiasts who love drag racing, car shows, working on their projects together, hanging out and having fun. We started producing our own merchandise through a branding business we own, the demand for our quality product exploded causing us to begin selling products through our website. You can order product to be shipped to your home or purchase product when you find us at a racing or car show event. We believe in family values and seek to encourage dads to hang out with their families while including each other in the hobbies and the activities we love. No matter where life takes us we will always strive to be fathers and grandfathers that serve their familes well while laughing at ourselves as we fly through life. Life flies by far too quickly so let's love hard, work hard and play hard.

Way to go to all the dads out there! Check out our youtube channel for video exploits of all the crazy things we get into as father and son trouble. LOL ;-) 

Terminator X I/O

These are your factory ECU pin out and color. Pay attention to what color/pin you are wiring what to and write it down.

Inputs can receive ground or 12v or 5v ref for sensors.

Outputs can only GROUND trigger.

Holley CAN IO Pinout

Enlarged so you can actually read it, Every Input or Outport corrisponds to the Pin Number.

This is a little confusing when setting up in the Terminator Software but is do able. See Can IO video for further explaination.