Elmer's 1956 Victoria is special car in more than one way. Imagine it's 1958, you're in high school about to pick up your crush to get burger. There isn't much to do in your rural small midwest town so cruising through downtown prior to picking up your date is the norm. You pull up to the one stop sign, press in the clutch, drop the shifter into first gear, rev the rpms and let the dual exaust from the 312 Thunderbird V8 rumble. The windows are down and the breeze feels so dang good. You show up at your girl's house in a matter of minutes and honk the horn so she knows you've arrived. Her dad isn't happy you haven't walked to the door but what do you care? You have your gorgeous coral white Victoria to keep you company until your little hottie comes out of the house. The screen door cracks open and Norma emerges with a bounce in her step and smile on her face, ready to go for a ride with her man and his car. Life is grand. Little did Elmer and Norma know that their first date would lead to a lifelong marriage, 6 children, 21 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren.
As so many car guys can relate, life became busy with work and kids and the Victoria just didn't fit the growing family. Elmer sold that gorgeous car he and Norma dated in for a more appropriate vehicle and life moved on. Many years later after the kids were raised, Elmer and Norma decided they wanted to find another 1956 Sunset Coral two-tone white Ford Victoria so they began the search. Following a painstaking 10 year search they found the perfect candidate. Elmer had tried to purchase long distance from a Florida auction but couldn't get it done. A few years later he made contact with the owner in Iowa, struck a deal and headed out on the long drive to go get his baby.
(more to the story, come back soon)